Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. I have added a number of books that I have found helpful as well as additional links so that you can explore and gain insight into information that may be of help to you.
Bad Childhood Good LIfe
Laura Schlessinger, 2006, ISBN-10: 006057786X.
Dr. Laura’s book addresses the question: How can a person effectively move past the injuries of a bad childhood? She explains that you need to look at your current behavior and modify what you can change rather than simply venting your anger or allowing yourself to ever be victimized again. There’s a lot of practical information explained through transcripts of callers problems from her radio show.
Feeling Right When Things Go Wrong
Bill Borcherdt, 1998, ISBN-10: 1568870362
This book is based on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) techniques created by the famous psychologist Albert Ellis. It’s a good guide to help you identify the source of your discomfort and then learn to effectively deal with that discomfort. The author explains you that you don’t have to control the world and that others don’t have to change their negative behaviors for you to feel alright with yourself.
Letting Go Of Anger
Ronald Potter-Effron and Pat Porter-Effron, 1995, ISBN: 1-572-24001-6
This book addresses how people deal with anger. The authors identify ten common anger styles. There is a quiz to help you identify your anger style as well as a wealth of useful techniques to address unhealthy anger.
Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them
Susan Forward and Joan Torres, 1986, ISBN: 0-553-26507-5.
This book deals with what the authors call “misogynistic relationships.” In the first half of the book, they address how to identify and understand if you are in such a relationship. The second half of the book is dedicated to altering negative personal behaviors through behavioral techniques, which when implemented create a more assertive, effective and less vulnerable person.
Ten Stupid Things Men Do to Mess Up Their Lives
Laura Schlessinger, 2002, ISBN-10: 0060512601
Dr. Laura makes it easy to understand from the beginning with chapter titles like: stupid priorities, stupid egotism, stupid liaisons, etc. Much of this book is created from letters from listeners to Dr. Laura’s talk show. The personal anecdotes help illustrate Dr. Laura’s points and provide examples with a little something for just about everyone.
Ten Stupid Things Men Do to Mess Up Their Lives,
Laura Schlessinger, 1998, ISBN-10: 0060929448
Dr. Laura discusses men’s problems in categories like: damsels in destress, refusing to admit to a healthy dependence on others, climbing the career ladder to the detriment of your relationships, denying the duty and pleasure of child-rearing, etc. This isn’t counseling, but Dr. Laura’s no nonsense, straight-forward, approach makes this book very readable for most men.
Ten Stupid Things Men Do to Mess Up Their Lives
Laura Schlessinger, 1995, ISBN-10: 006076597
In this book Dr. Laura urges women to “lose the domineering jerk of a lover and pick one of the good guys.” She focuses on what women can do to make their lives better. She explains that once women become courageous, take responsibility for their own problems, and tolerate the discomforts of risk; the possibilities for personal growth and joy are limitless.
Too Good to Leave Too Bad to Stay
Mira Kirshenbaum, 1997, ISBN-10: 0452275350
This book teaches the reader to deal with one critical issue at a time rather than sort endlessly through all the emotional pros and cons. She begins with 36 diagnostic questions, gives examples, and then offers guidelines to follow. I love these topics, “power people poison passion; if your partner can’t even see what it is about him that makes you want to get out, it’s time to get out; if it never was very good, it’ll never be very good.”
When I Say No, I Feel Guilty
Manuel J. Smith, Ph.D., 1985, ISBN: 0-553-26390-0
Are you letting your kids get away with murder; allowing people to impose on you; embarrassed by praise. or crushed by criticism? Dr. Smith teaches the reader how to communicate assertively. In his book, he describes the 10 Assertive Rights, which remind us that we all have the right to do human things like change our mind. He introduces many assertiveness strategies and scenarios of how those techniques can be used.
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